Dunfermline Athletic

Who uses the Synthetic pitch ?

Author: Brian Duncan Date: Tuesday, 12th Jul 2005

Now that the SPL have ruled against the pitch what can we do about it ?

Despite scooping the Best Community Initiative award for their Twilight League Dunfermline have been told by the SPL that the pitch is not up to standard.

The Official Site statement << click here >> says that they were under the impression that the pitch would meet all the FIFA 2 Star requirements (except the Ultra Violet one which did not count in Scotland).

I guess the best thing to do is to discuss the issue on the forum and then arrange a meeting with the club later in the week to decide what action (if any) the fans should take.
But I`m convinced that the fans are behind the Dunfermline board on this issue.

I`ve attached a message from the Forum which highlights the use of the pitch and the approach Dunfermline have taken to get kids to play football, which certainly looks to have been working. Message by PARS_SOS. I wonder what comments Lex Gold and his buddies would make of this ?

My 9 year old son is currently taking part in the DAFC mini kickers programme at EEP. It was his first day there today, he got to meet all the players and watch the 1st team train. He then went on to spend 5 hours training with the coaches on the now banned synthetic surface. The course in attended by about 30 young lads from the ages of 5 upwards and they are there all week training.

Amongst the 30 there are Celtic supporters, Rangers and both sides of Edinburgh kids taking part. These kids have given up a week of there holidays for a chance to train full time an option not available to many lads especially at there local SPL football club, this is only possible because of the synthetic surface, the members of all parts of the Scottish media who bow to the Old Firm at every oppotunity have gleefully reported every negative comment about this surface because of the negative comments by both Rangers and Celtic.

The SPL are potentially killing clubs in Scotland with there constant bowing to the old firm and clubs like Dunfermline who have tried to find options to remain sovent have recieved no support from yourselves whatsoever. We have already had 2 SPL clubs go in to administration and ourselves along with Kilmarnock remain very close.

The bigger picture you people at the media and the SPL seem to forget is that your beloved Celtic and Rangers are only going to improve by playing better teams, by starving all other clubs of viable financial options is only going to decrease the strength of that opposition, and having no clubs left to play will also be the end of both Celtic and Rangers.

The final note DAFC as a family club have done exactly what you media people have been screaming for everyone to do for years, support the kids they are the next generation, anyone who has trained for 5 hours in todays heat are to be commended when you look at 5-11 year olds doing it they deserve a medal. These things are possible because of the synthetic for once guys look at the bigger picture and get yourselves down there tomorrow you might just see the next Scottish Superstar enjoying themselves in a safe environment under proper supervision.

PS take some tissues as I know my son is devastated that he wont be able to play at EEP anymore and do the young kickers programme next season.

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