Headless Competition
Author: Brian Date: Tuesday, 7th Nov 2006Due to an accident with our Canon EOS 300D camera we need funds to get it repaired (£175).
We have a signed Football Shirt to give away. I always like the Headless Photo`s as they look wierd, so lets see how many of you work out who this player is !
It would be great if we could get just £1 pound off you for this competition, however, collecting the money could be difficult. I don`t want to have to pay fees on paypal which wipes out the donation (and I`d really like to keep the donation quite small so omore people can pay).
How about a group of you collecting the competition entries and then forwarding them to me in some way.
Even at the next home game we can arrange to be outside the ground before the game so you can hand us your entries.
Any suggestions on how to help would be appreciated.
Many thanks to all those who have contributed so far.
Click >> here << to enter the competition. This will open up another window to allow you to send your answer in.

The Compact Flash slot has a pin broken. This may be due to one of the recent CF 1GB memory cards that we got that might be out of spec (because it was cheap ?)
So perhaps in the future we buy more expensive memory, as it may be cheaper in the long term as we find out to our cost. (it may not be that, but I`m suspecting at the moment)
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